Death because of plastic

Every year 25-30 tons of trash is threw into the ocean. Plastic is perhaps what we throw most off. What we throws is very damaging not just for us but also, for the animals that liv in different places in the world. Littering is a big problem I the world. We litter more and more without thinking about the animals around us.  many thousand animals are getting hurt or die because they got cached in for example plastic bags. 

For not so long ago it have been found a whale with 30 plastic bags inside his stomach. It says very much about how much plastic it actually is in the ocean. This whale was maybe one of many other animals that have died because they have for example eaten the plastic that have ended in the ocean. The smaller fish eat also plastic, they eat microplastic. Microplastic is small chunks, that can be just two to three millimeters big. It can lead to that the fish can get stomach damage, and get many diseases. We can also be influenced by the fact that the fish eat the plastic. When we eat fish, we get all the plastic the fish have eaten through all these years. Therefore is it important that we don’t throw trash and other things in the ocean. Think twice before throwing trash on the ground. It may end in the ocean. 

 We throw too much trash in the woods and out in the street. It is very dangerous for very many of the animals. You think maybe that if you just throw plastic bag out in the street so it does no matter. Many do not think about that a bird can for example, fly into it and hurt himself or die. On the wed you can find pictures of animals that have had plastic around his body as long as it have grown into them. The animals are not just getting caught in the trash but many of then eat what they find, and it could be the plastic. Animals die because of it, so we need to stop just thinking about ourselves and maybe begin to think about the animals as well. 

It is our responsibility to look after our planet, so we must do something about it. We can`t just let all those innocent animals die because  someone does not know what a trashcan is. If you se someone throwing trash on the grown do not just look at them, do something. Such little things can make big difference for many people but most of all for the animals. 


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