Do you know how much food you throw away

In total was Norway's food wastage in 2015 355 128 ton. Two parts play a big role in this wastage, consumers and the grocery sector. They say that each and one of us as consumers throw away in average every fourth grocery bag we buy. This is equivalent to 217 480 ton food each year away, and we also have the grocery stores who throw away 74 404 ton. Why did it start to be like this? 

That the grocery sector every year throw away the amount of food that can be compared to a 10 meter high thrash tower in "Ullevål stadium" is extremely unnecessary. Norwegian groceries get labeled with "best before" or "last day of use". Although "best before" groceries doesn't go bad a couple of days after the date stamping,  they still get thrown away as "last day of use" groceries do. Even though several grocery store brands are good at pricing down groceries that soon "expires", it may be time to follow in France's footsteps and forbid to throw away edible food?  

It is us consumers that throw away most food. This may be because the groceries are a little more floppy or they aren't in the same condition as we first bought them. Another reason is a lot of people think that "best before" groceries like yoghurt is inedible after the date stamping. In "Live redder verden, litt" she shows us how you can attain a waste free lifestyle as possible. She also showed us  how to freeze down for example carrots which are a little floppy. In that way you can eat the vegetables later without throwing it away.  You can take a responsibility yourself with recycling, and not buying more food than you know that you will eat.  

A lot of the food wastage comes from younger people. You can visibly see that today's generation lives in a completely different time than the older people did. The generation today view food as less valuable than it did before, because we can access it all the time. Sunday open stores gives us the opportunity to buy groceries every single day. This leads to more small and unplanned shopping trips, again leading us into buying more food than we eat up. Norway also has a big abundance of grocery stores. Did you know for us Norwegians it is 464 grocery stores for each million citizen? 

In conclusion each and every one of us have a big responsibility to not buy more food than we eat.  Good measures to throw less food is to plan your shopping trips, and to only buy groceries only one time a week. Maybe next time you go to the store, you can look for the down priced groceries that soon expires than choosing the food that is more fresh?  



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