The amazon is the worlds lungs

Amazon is often called the world's lungs. 13% of the Earth surface was Amazon jungle. Today there are only 5%. It is not only forest that disappears, but more than 5,000 animal species disappear every year. It cut down the rainforest affects not only the animals that live in the jungle or the people around. It affects everyone.
Amazon Forest is the oldest, largest and most important ecosystem we have. It is not only a great source to fresh air, but home to many animal species. Every day it gets cut down area as large as fifty football fields. Within a year, an area that big as half of Norway, disappeared. When this is cut will disappear not only the forest, but the devices they use to tear down forests let out CO2. And when even more of the forest is gone, it is not enough forest to make co2 into fresh air. Of all the tonnes of CO2 we emit, one-fifth of this burnt forests. If we do not stop to cut as much of the rain forest will not be enough rain to clean the air.
You may ask themselves why they have to cut so much rainforest. Or if you actually need to. The reason why it disappears as much of the rainforest, is that it made a lot of food with palm oil. Palm oil is a vegetable oil that is produced mostly of Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia. We should avoid palm oil in the food so that there is no need to produce as much of it, and cut down the forest. Another reason why it disappears so much of the forest is tropical . Tropical timber is timber that comes from the rainforest. Tropical timber is used for antique furniture, boats, building materials, instruments and garden furniture. Fortunately, most major Norwegian build chains, Building Maker, Maxbo and Mount a zero tolerance for tropical timber.
 In Africa there are small farms that threaten the rainforest. They have to cut the rainforest so that they will have room to farm fields. It will cut down large areas of rainforest so that all of the soybean field to provide space. Soy is used widely in food especially as animal food, as food for fish or cows.
We know that it is entirely possible to live without let any unnecessary co2. Indigenous people who live in the Amazon jungle live at one with nature. And respects it. About all rainforest disappears, all of the 250 million people who live in the rainforest forced to move. When they lose not only their culture, but their knowledge and learnings advantage. They shall have the option of being able to choose where they will live. There are traces of indigenous peoples from the 9000 years ago. They have managed 1,000 years of living in the Amazon jungle, untrained that it has been damaged.

The fact that one cuts the rainforest affects everyone on the planet. The rainforest helps to make so that the temperature dont rise so fast. But if it is cut way down. Then the poles melt and it will affect polar bears. There will be no more food or good enough environment for leopards. So when will 250 million people do not have one place to stay. Amazingly many animals had been forced out of their habitat. And the few who had survived may have been trying to find a new place to stay.

The worst thing is that we in Norway that can go to buy new patio furniture or renovate your kitchen is on so it gets cut down much of the rainforest because we would not have one newer kitchen because we did not like the colour longer. When we buy furniture made of tropical timber, or when we buy food with palm oil. Are we helping to destroy the "world's lungs" man when we are not buying tropical timber or food without palm oil, it helps.

Malin aker


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